
Mª José Capell & Montse Solà

Seniors Españoles para la Cooperación Técnica

KATCH-UP: a circular economy game

María José Capell is an organizational Engineer and Montse Solà is a Physicist, both having developed their careers in multinational companies from the energy sector. Now they advise entrepreneurs as volunteers.
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Katch-up is a game that helps to generate ideas to tackle a business challenge by taking into account the circular economy perspective. The aim is to generate value opportunities through circular design and business strategies

Montserrat Casas Cabanas

CIC energiGUNE
Battery materials for a sustainable future

Short Bio
The core of my research is to design, prepare and characterize materials for the development of next generation battery chemistries. I employ cost-efficient synthetic processes, with a focus on sustainability and recyclability, in combination with scattering, imaging, and spectroscopic techniques to develop fundamental understanding in structure-property correlations.
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In this talk we will give an overview of different battery chemistries and concepts and discuss the challenges we face in the development of safer, cheaper and more sustainable materials and some of the design strategies we use.

Lothar H. Fickert

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Electrical Power Systems
ESEIA Member

Landscape of electrical power systems and the role of renewables 

Electrical energy, electrical power system protection, design and operation of electrical power systems, modern teaching media, industrial practice and 20 years head of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems
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The law of conservation of energy, fundamentals of electrical power systems, stability and blackout, role of renewables, chances and challenges, solution paths.

F. Pelayo Garcia De Arquer

Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)

Some decarbonization technologies at scale

Areas of expertise
Nanostructured and composite materials for energy harvesting and storage. My research group studies carbon capture and utilization and hydrogen and ammonia electrosynthesis powered by renewables
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I will present a general overview of CO2 capture and utilization technologies (e.g. CO2 electroreduction) and the implications of the scale up of these technologies to the Giga Watt from materials, economic viability, and sustainability points of view

Olli Ikkala

Aalto University, Finland
EPNOE Member

Sustainable Materials

My research interest is to develop functional materials based on hierarchical self-assemblies, biomimetics, and materials originating from nature, such as nanocellulose.
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The use of engineered materials today is mostly not sustainable for the environment and for the next generations. You will learn what we should understand by a sustainable material and how they can contribute to a more circular economy.

Magda Moner-Girona

European Commission
Directorate General Joint Research Centre
Unit C.02 Energy Efficiency and Renewables

Sustainable energy access in Sub-Saharan Africa

Short Bio
Magda Moner-Girona has a PhD in Physics (Material Science).  With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Moner-Girona’s research has focused on developing interactive tools to support policy-makers enhancing the deployment of renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa and the energy-related UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). This includes experience at the United Nation Environment Programme, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, and the University of California at Berkeley
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The global energy landscape is undergoing a substantial transformation, with renewable energies technologies (RETs) assuming an increasingly crucial role. Nevertheless, about 562 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa still live without access to electricity. My talk will focus on answering the following question: 
How spatial analysis (GIS) combined with remote sensing and techno-economic analysis can support strategic political energy planning in Africa to achieve both effective outreach to energy access and a low carbon transition?

Miguel Muñoz

Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology of Madrid (IMN)
Associate Prof. at the University of Twente (the Netherlands)
Solid-state energy harvesting and management
Short Bio
Dr. Miguel Muñoz Rojo is a senior permanent researcher (científico titular) at the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC) working at the institute of Micro and Nanotechnology of Madrid (IMN) with double affiliation as Associate Prof. at the University of Twente (the Netherlands).He leads a research line devoted to advanced thermal management within the FINDER group (https://finder.imn-cnm.csic.es/). My research focuses on thermal management, energy harvesting, nano- and micro-scale thermometry and thermal sensing.
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In this lecture, I plan to show how to tune the transport properties of materials to develop more efficient and competitive devices in the field of energy harvesting and management.

Brian Norton

Tyndall National Institute
University College Cork and Technological University Dublin
ESEIA Member

Lecture 1
Introduction to renewable energy systems
Lecture 2
Sustainable materials and Photovoltaic Energy Systems

Solar energy conversion systems and their applications, decarbonization of energy in buildings, photovoltaic systems, daylight, energy storage, energy policy

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Lecture 1: Key technical characteristics of solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, solar buildings, wind, hydro, ocean energy and bioenergy technologies and their associated systems. Determinants of the where, what and when each technology is adopted.

Lecture 2: Embodied energy, life cycle assessment, design for reuse and recycling. Photovoltaic cell technologies. Circuitry, power curves and maximum power point tracking. Factors influencing PV performance. Building integration, batteries, invertors,

Tiina Nypelö

Chalmers University of Technology
Coordinator of the entrepreneurial activity
She combines forest products technology, materials science and renewable resources for advancing sustainable materials engineering. The research efforts involve cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignins with emphasis on surface, interface, and intermolecular interactions.

Neus Sabaté

Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona and Scientific Advisor at Fuelium

How I crossed the wide valley: from research to market

My research is focused on the development of microenergy sources and self-powered sensors for IoT

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In this talk, I will explain how questioning the applicability of my research line in microfuel cells in the real world led me to an eureka idea that was the seed of Fuelium, a company that develops and commercializes paper-based batteries

Stefan Spirk

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Bioproducts and Paper Technology
ESEIA and EPNOE Member

Lignocellulose in Batteries - Current state, challenges and opportunities.

I have strong expertise in lignocellulosic (nano)materials, from both fundamental and applied perspective in the field of thin film technology and paper industry. In addition, I have been working for nearly ten years now in renewable energy storage and have recently co-founded a startup (Ecolyte) which aims at commercializing a vanillin-based battery technology.

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In this talk, I first give a historical context on batteries and provide basic characteristics for battery characterization. In the main part, I will discuss the different types of components that are involved in batteries in more detail. I showcase opportunities to use lignocellulosic materials as active materials as well as the obstacles that need to be overcome for commercial use

Kristina Žužek

Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
ESEIA Member

Permanent magnets recycling and (re)processing for sustainable and green future

Short Bio
Prof  Žužek, she is the leader of the Group for Magnetic materials and Electrochemistry. Her main scientific interests include rare earth elements (REEs) permanent magnets and electrochemistry of nanostructured material. Her bibliography contains 80+ scientific papers and several patents and patent applications on permanent magnets and long track record on working with industry (Magneti Ljubljana, Kolektor Group, ABB Switzerland).
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The transition to a low carbon society by 2050 (“The EUs Green Deal”) will require radical solutions, to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which have to be reduced by 80%. The major contributing segments are the development of e-mobility and eco-power generation, requiring highly efficient electric motors to meet the target. This can only be achieved by using high-performance rare earth elements-transition metals permanent magnets (REE-TM PMs) like Nd-Fe-B in such motors. From this perspective, REE-TM PMs are an essential subject of further research aiming at even improved properties and performances. However, REEs are on the EU's list of most critical raw materials, which requires holistic measures encompassing their recycling that will in the future accompany the PMs initial development.


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