Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB, CSIC), 11–15 JULY 2022
Welcome to the International Summer School on Sustainable Materials for Renewable Energy Applications (SURE2022), organized by the EPNOE and ESEIA European Associations and held at ICMAB
The school is especially designed for young researchers: Master students, PhD fellows and junior Postdocs, who are working or are interested in working on sustainable materials for a better future, in the field of renewable energy: sustainable and or abundant materials for energy application in photovoltaics, storing energy systemssuch as batteries and supercapacitors,and otheremerging tecnologies. Aspectssuch as the role of renewables in the power system and their implementation in parts of Africa will also be addressed.
The school will include keynote lectures by international experts andwillallow plenty of time for discussion with the experts. A visit to the ALBA Synchrotron, located next to ICMAB is scheduled.
The school will also focus on entrepreneurship and on encouraging design thinking, creativity, innovation and technology transfer. Students attending the school will be asked to create their own start up. The founder of a succesful start-up FUELIUM on eco-friendly batteries will give a lecture to inspire this activity.
We hope to see you for SURE 2022 at ICMAB this July!