09:00-10:45 Devices session , Àgora Hall
Chair: T. Coombs, V. Sokolovsky
- D. Collangelo ” Inhomogeneity Effects in HTS Coated Conductors Used as Resistive FCLs in Medium Voltage Level Grid”
- A. Álvarez “SIMULINK model of free-stabilized, externally-shunted 2G superconducting tapes for SFCL applications”
- C. Boffo “Design optimization and prototype fabrication of HTS magnets”
- W. Li “Finite element models for quench behavior of YBCO coated conductors”
- L. Graber “Designing a Shielded-Core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter using Finite Element Analysis”
10:45-11:15 Cofee Break
11:15-13:00 Methods Improvement session, Àgora Hall
Chair: F. Sirois, C. Navau
- F. Gömöry “Electromagnetic energy flow and dissipation in superconducting coils”
- A. Morandi “A novel integral approach to the 2D modeling of superconductors by means of the bounded E-J power law”
- A. Badel “Hybrid model of quench propagation in Coated Conductors”
- J. Pina “A Matlab tool for the determination of current densities in HTS multiseed bulk samples based on sand pile model and genetic algorithms”
- S. Nemdili “A simulation model of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter”
13:00- 14:30 Lunch & networking and Museum visit
14:30- 16:00 Other Methods session, Àgora Hall
Chair: P. Vanderbemden , B. Dutois
- A. Morandi “The straight approximation of the current loop: equivalence between 2D models of superconductor with axial translational symmetry”
- J. Amorós “Modelling and current distribution computation in HTS samples”
- K. Berger “Analytical Modeling of Bulk Superconductor in a Coil”
- K. Klimenko ”Electrodinamics of isotropic superconductors”
16:00- 16:30 Cofee Break
16:30- 18:00 Posters session
Chair: P. Suárez, N. del Valle, A. Álvarez
- J. Pérez-Díaz ” Experimental determination of the first penetration field in high-temperature superconductors by mechanical methods”
- S. Nemdili “High Temperature Superconductor Fault Current Limiter Operating Principle and Results”
- S. Agramunt-Puig “Modelling Superconductor and Ideal Soft Ferromagnet Hybrids: Application to Levitation”
- G. Via “Response of thin superconducting plates to an externally applied magnetic field
- P. Suárez ” FEM estimation of the magnetic field in a screened ferromagnetic core for a Resistive-Inductive SFCL”
- B. Grezsik “Modeling of quench in 2G tape using 2D ANSYS model”
- S. Kirsch “AC losses of an infinitely long superconductor cylinder surrounded by a metallic sheath”
- V. Zermeño “Transient response of HTS generator”
- V. Zermeño “A homogenization technique to calculate AC losses in HTS stacks”
- G. del Rosario ” Electrical-thermal coupled model of second generation HTS cables for application in power system simulations”